
冬季两项 / Cross-Country



The collaboration program between 澳门金沙app下载 and the 纽约 Ski Educational Foundation (NYSEF) is a cutting-edge initiative designed to foster the development of biathlon athletes. With daily training access to three local biathlon ranges, including a world-class 30-point range, athletes benefit from a diverse and challenging environment. The program provides year-round training opportunities at Mt Van Hoevenberg, with a paved rollerski loop and early-season snowmaking facilities, ensuring consistent and high-quality training conditions.

The program is led by the Head NYSEF 冬季两项 program leader and 2018 Olympic Biathlete, 玛迪Phaneuf, who brings a wealth of experience and expertise to guide the athletes towards success. Athletes in the program actively participate in regional, 国家, and inter国家 competitions throughout the year, including; US 冬季两项 Summer Nationals, Eastern Regional Competitions, YJWCH试验, IBU杯选拔赛, 和USBA国民.


Recognizing the importance of academic success, the biathlon program integrates a rigorous in-person academic experience that supports high-achieving student-athletes and their unique travel needs. The partnership between NYSEF and Northwood ensures holistic success, combining academic and athletic achievements seamlessly. The educational aspect is enhanced with a college preparatory curriculum and advanced courses, offering a well-rounded education with a focus on place-based learning.

Situated on an 85-acre campus in the world-renowned Olympic destination of Lake Placid, 澳门金沙app下载 provides an inspiring backdrop for the athletes’ growth and development. The student body is diverse and co-ed, representing 24 countries and 21 states, creating a rich cultural and learning environment. The program also offers comprehensive college counseling tailored to each individual’s needs, further supporting the athletes in their transition from high school to higher education. 整体, the collaboration program is a unique and comprehensive initiative that prioritizes the holistic success of biathlon athletes, combining elite-level training with a top-notch education in the heart of the Olympic spirit.